78th Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 13 April 2023

The 78th Annual General Meeting of the Panaga Club
is scheduled to take place on 
Thursday, 13th April 2023 at 7.00 p.m. in the Main Hall.
All members are invited to attend this meeting.
The business of the meeting will be as follows:
3.  To approve amendments to the Club Constitution: 
Any of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER positions can be appointed by the President where deemed necessary. 

The Section Committee who will be representing a Division of the Club known as a Division Chair can be appointed by the President where deemed necessary.
4. Announcement of members of the 2023/2024 Management Committee.
5. Members written submissions - None receive
6. Any other business (from the floor). 

Members are invited to put forward any points relevant to the AGM and are advised to submit them to the Club Manager not later than 30th March 2023 (in order to save time, it would be appreciated if minor administrative points could be referred to Management Committee for appropriate action at its Monthly Management Committee meeting).
This AGM will be the best opportunity for all Members to learn more about the Panaga Club activities, its achievements, get to know sections and to learn about the Club’s future aspirations. All are encouraged to attend.
Some light food will be served.
Panaga Club Management Committee