Panaga Pickleball Section

Welcome to the Panaga Pickleball Section!
Pickleball is a fun, easy to learn and social game that's growing in popularity around the world. Whether you are an experienced player or have never touched a paddle, we are a friendly and inclusive Section made of passionate picklers. 
Join our WhatsApp Group Chat and come along to one of our free (to Panaga Club Members) open session (see schedule) at the MPH. 

No fees, no booking or registration required! Adults and kids (>7 years old) are welcome! Please note: Kids under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Still feeling a bit nervous or undecided? Below are some links to videos on the rules and how to play before you put it into action at the MPH. 
See you on the courts!

Section Committee
 Chairperson Pik Seang Ang Pixie
Treasurer Morten Nordnes
Secretary Joanna B A Fernandez
Captain Ernesto Lopez
Captain Wana Gapar
General Member Stefanie David
General Member Grace Tan
General Member Maya Isabella Lau