1st Panaga Cubs / Scouts



The 1st Panaga Cubs / Scouts section has been active at the Panaga Club for over 20 years.  The section currently runs a Cub Pack comprising of up to 32 boys and girls, aged between 7 and 12 years old.

The Cubs’ weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays at Rampayoh school hall at 5:45pm.  All leaders, who are volunteers from across the broader community, assist in the co-ordination of badge work, the Annual Cub Camp and other indoor and outdoor activities. Please note that adult volunteers are vital for the pack to continue to grow and prosper. Due to the usual rotational aspects of the Panaga community, the section is always looking for new volunteers as well as cubs to join the pack.

Badge activities and visits to local services/entities place a great deal of importance on behaviour and the learning of life skills.

Our recent activities other than the Annual Cub Camp include: Animal Welfare, Communicating with other global Cub Packs, Cycling Proficiency, Disability Awareness, Emergency Aid, Field Craft, Fire Safety, Jungle Waterfall Hikes, Orienteering, Panaga Beach Clean (Environmental Awareness), Swimming Stages and much more.

We regularly receive presentations by, or conduct visits to, the Panaga Health Centre (Dental Health), 7-Flight Army Air Corp, Megamas HSE Training Facility, BSP Bomba (Fire and Emergency Response Services), BSP Shell Aviation Anduki Facility among many others who have supported us.

Several new and exciting visits are planned for the coming year.

Parents are kept regularly updated about the overall program, activities, visits and any other upcoming events by email.

We do not currently run Scout Packs for children aged between 11 and 17, but if interest grows sufficiently, this may be considered in the future.

The 1st Panaga Cubs/Scouts operates a ‘waiting list’, so don’t delay if your child would like to join us. Please submit the application form at the top of the page for both Cubs and Scouts. 


For more information on the Cubs, click HERE.

For more information on the Scouts, click HERE.


If you have any questions about the Section, please email us at: 
